New Members

To join Hill and Dale Garden Club of Glastonbury CT, you must be a resident of Glastonbury. H&D has a maximum membership of 50 but has a waiting list if that maximum has been reached.
Membership Requirements
We hope new members get the most out of club membership including making new friends, learning and sharing information and participating in the Glastonbury community.
To that end, the club has established a few requirements. They are:
Attend monthly business meetings and programs
Support club projects and administration by
Joining a committee or accepting a position on the board
Volunteering to work on projects like: planting tulips at town fountain, maintaining gardens at Herbert T. Clark House, scholarship committee, donation committee or one of the other committees
Everyone participates each year in the plant sale by digging, dividing, and/or potting plants from members gardens for our plant sale at the Town Green. The proceeds from the sale fund all our projects, educational programs and philanthropy.
For more information, email our webmaster @